This video outlines the various rests.
We can have peace above the storm, a serene "rest" in our minds and hearts amidst turmoil in a rebellious world.
There's one Rest in particular that is a special blessing from the Lord.
God knew that we would need a weekly break from wearying busy-ness. In the heart of The Ten Commandments, from the loving heart of God, is the precious gift of the Sabbath – a day of sweet fellowship with the Lord.
The fourth Commandment, beginning with the word "Remember," is one that Satan tries the hardest to make humans "forget," for it is a memorial to God as Creator and will be the ultimate test of our loyalty.
Sabbath observance is not limited to those of the Jewish religion, for the Sabbath was given to mankind in Eden (before there was a Jewish nation). The gift of Sabbath rest has not been omitted from the Law of God, as the enemy of our souls would have us believe (in hopes that we will burn out, stress out, look down, and give up).
"Satan is the destroyer;
Christ is the Restorer."
{Counsels on Health, pg. 588}
All 10 of the Commandments are meant to bless, not to stress.
They are precious "protective promises" for which we can be eternally grateful.
To learn more about the precious gift of a weekly Sabbath day of rest and how it can improve (and even save) your life, visit this informative website: